Friday, March 28, 2008


life has been VERY boring, lately. this is not any one's fault. NOTHING has been going on. NOTHING! everyone would rather stay in than go out. & when there is a show or random party, NO ONE is there. it's very strange. i'm hoping this will all change as spring time becomes more apparent...
i shouldn't even be complaining about boredom. because i tend to forget that my life is about to be anything but. i'm embarking on a journey. something i've never been a part of. i'm about to move in to a FANCY/AMAZING/BEAUTIFUL/HUGE/BLUE house in hillsboro village, with 5 other people. i don't even know what to expect. i'm scared. i'm excited. we all have very strong personalities and we all love to have a good time. i'm sure unnecessary drama will ensue. the only thing missing is a reality t.v. show.
so i guess there really is no rhyme nor reason to this post, there usually never is... but all i'm trying to say is, hopefully this winter slump is coming to an end. & i hope to see all my familiar party friends out and about, before we all dry up. & if i cant get u to a bar, i hope to get u to my NEW house, where lots of parties will inevitably happen.

tender love & joyous kisses

1 comment:

areelleaye said...

when you talk about the house it makes my heart skip a beat...
come home to linden already!