Wednesday, December 19, 2007


i'm left kind of daunted by the obsession with celebrity... if u know me, u know i have a problem with celebrity gossip. i'm addicted. every morning with my cup of coffee, i swiftly check my email, just to get my fix of celebrity gossip. i won't even answer the phone if i'm reading this stuff. it's sick. i get angry if perez hasn't updated in 2 hours. i find myself stressed if TMZ hasn't posted the latest pictures/videos of various trainwrecks. i mean, even i have a blog dedicated to various celebrities and the hoop-la that surrounds them. & my problem has gradually gotten worse. the question that i guess i'm asking myself, is... why am i so obsessed? is it because i feel that my life isn't exciting enough? i have been staying in lately, not really participating in various night life activity. does that have something to do with it? or am i subconsciously wishing to be written about on these web zines? or it could be as simple as being mindlessly entertained by the idea of these "people" & their "problems". i don't know... it's gotten out of hand & it's only going to get worse. if i'm not careful, i'm going to end up in rehab. i suppose, that life does imitate art after awhile.

anyway, to the good stuff... jamie lynn spears is pregnant!!! if you haven't heard this, then you live under a rock. she's 16. & it's sad. obviously she's a dumb bunny. the whole sitituation is inevitable... i mean, she is a spears. they dont have the best of luck.

1 comment:

areelleaye said...

try having an iphone. I check perez every hour.
I miss you. I love you.